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UK EV drivers pay most for charging

British EV drivers pay the highest rates for high power charging, with new data revealing they spend 74% more than drivers in France and Norway

Electric vehicle (EV) drivers in the UK are paying significantly more for high-power charging compared to their European counterparts.

That’s according to new data from LCP Delta, which shows that British drivers are charged an average of €c14.2 (£0.12) per kilometre, which is 74% higher than the rates in France and Norway, where drivers pay around €c8.7 (£0.07) per kilometre.

This information comes from CHARGEtrack, a new data product launched by LCP Delta, which collects and analyses tariff data from thousands of chargepoint operators (CPOs) and e-mobility service providers across 32 European countries.

LCP Delta collaborated with Eco-Movement to compile current tariff data from over 100 CPOs offering high-power chargers (HPC) across Europe.

The study focused on ‘ad-hoc tariffs’ that typically function on a pay-as-you-go basis using credit or debit cards, similar to conventional fuel payments.

The findings reveal that UK drivers pay the highest prices, averaging €c14.2 (£0.12) per kilometre, influenced by higher electricity costs and lower CPO utilisation rates.

In contrast, France and Norway offer the lowest prices, averaging €c8.7 (£0.07) per kilometre.

In Germany, EV drivers pay €c11.0 (£0.10) per kilometre, while in the Netherlands and Italy, the rates are €c10.1 (£0.09) and €c13.9 (£0.12) per kilometre, respectively.

The cheapest high-power charging tariff was found in France, with IECharge offering rates at €c30/kWh, equivalent to €c5 /km.

Conversely, the most expensive tariff was in the UK, exceeding €1/kWh, equivalent to €c17 per kilometre.

John Murray, Head of EVs at LCP Delta said: “Our research shows the large differences between tariffs and between countries.

“The most expensive tariff we found – in the UK – is three times more expensive than the cheapest tariff we came across in France.”

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