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Global coalition calls on governments to raise climate targets by 2025

A coalition named Mission 2025, including major companies and financial institutions, is calling on governments to enhance their climate goals ahead of a February 2025 deadline

Some of the world’s largest companies, financial institutions, cities and regions have united to urge governments to increase their climate ambitions before a February 2025 deadline to submit emission-cutting plans to the United Nations.

The coalition, named Mission 2025, is convened by Groundswell, a collaboration between non-profits Global Optimism, Systems Change Lab and the Bezos Earth Fund.

Mission 2025 includes major corporate supporters such as consumer goods company Unilever, furniture retailer IKEA and British energy company Octopus EV.

Additional backing comes from groups like the We Mean Business Coalition.

The coalition aims to reassure political leaders that they have strong support for decisive climate action.

Christiana Figueres of Global Optimism, who oversaw the 2015 Paris Agreement, spearheads the initiative.

With the Paris Agreement’s ten-year mark approaching, nearly 200 countries are required to submit updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) that detail their plans for reducing emissions.

According to data from the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit, more than two-thirds of annual revenues from the world’s largest companies, amounting to $31 trillion (£24.4tn), are now aligned with net zero emissions goals.

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