Energy MarketsEnergy SavingRenewable Energy

‘Electrolysers can ease grid pressure’

ElectrolySers strategically placed across countries can mitigate electricity grid challenges and bolster the hydrogen sector's growth

Electrolysers can play a crucial role in easing the strain on the electricity grid and facilitating the ramp-up of hydrogen production.

That’s according to a study conducted by the EWI for E.ON and Thüga, which has pinpointed key regions in Germany where electrolysers can play a crucial role in supporting the grid.

By leveraging proximity to renewable energy sources and optimising consumer structures, electrolyzers are identified as capable of preventing electricity curtailments and supporting the integration of hydrogen into the energy system.

The report underscores the potential of electrolysers of varying capacities, from smaller units under 10 megawatts to larger installations exceeding 50 megawatts, to contribute significantly by 2030 and beyond.

Regions like northern Germany, the central chemical triangle and the Rhineland are highlighted as particularly suitable for deploying these technologies, aligning with future hydrogen infrastructure needs.

Looking ahead to 2040, the study forecasts expanded opportunities across additional German regions, driven by increasing hydrogen demand and network expansions.

It advocates for inclusive funding mechanisms that support system-friendly electrolyser projects, emphasising the importance of aligning incentives with broader energy transition goals.

Gabriël Clemens, Managing Director of E.ON Hydrogen, said: “The report shows that electrolyzers at many different locations in Germany can make a helpful contribution to the success of the energy transition.

“This is because they link the sectors and create flexibility in the entire energy system.”

Christoph Ullmer, Head of the Innovation Competence Center at Thüga AG, commented: “The system-friendly use of electrolyzers increases security of supply, reduces the economic costs of decarbonization and contributes to regional value creation and location security.”

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