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“Labour’s 2030 net zero grid target is feasible”

Chris Skidmore, former UK Cabinet Minister for Energy, has emphasised the need for absolute government commitment to meet 2030 net zero targets, highlighting political challenges and the necessity of streamlined processes for renewable projects

Chris Skidmore, the former UK Cabinet Minister for Energy and Chair of the Net Zero Review, has stated that achieving the 2030 net zero targets is feasible, but only with absolute commitment from the new Labour government.

Mr Skidmore stressed that this commitment must prioritise net zero goals at the centre of government policy.

Chris Skidmore pointed out that the UK already has more than enough electricity waiting in grid queues but is not taking adequate steps to reduce these queues or expedite the deployment of projects.

Mr Skidmore highlighted the issue of planning permissions being refused and the delays caused by referring every wind farm to the planning inspectorate.

He emphasised that pushing forward with renewable projects will be a significant political challenge requiring strong leadership at the highest level.

Mr Skidmore warned that any decision to retreat from these commitments would undermine private investment and support for the energy transition.

Chris Skidmore stressed that political leadership is essential to ensure consistent progress towards the 2030 net zero goals and to maintain investor confidence in the UK’s commitment to this transition.

Click the video to watch the full interview.

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