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Prime Minister pledges to protect Grangemouth refinery jobs

Prime Minister Keir Starmer has pledged to work with the Scottish Government to secure jobs at Grangemouth oil refinery

Prime Minister Keir Starmer has stated that ensuring the future of Scotland’s only oil refinery, Grangemouth, is a top priority.

Sir Keir Starmer acknowledged concerns about the refinery’s future and pledged to work towards preserving jobs and securing its long term viability.

Petroineos, a joint venture between PetroChina and INEOS, announced last year that the refinery would operate normally until spring 2025, after which it would transition to an oil import terminal.

Keir Starmer discussed the situation with Scotland’s First Minister John Swinney on Sunday, marking their first meeting since Starmer became Prime Minister.

The UK and Scottish Governments have agreed to collaborate on this issue immediately.

Starmer also addressed the restructuring at Tata Steel in Port Talbot, where around 2,800 jobs are at risk.

He has instructed the Secretary of State to focus on the Grangemouth issue and expressed a shared commitment with the First Minister to address these challenges.

In a media interview, Starmer emphasised his government’s determination to do everything possible to safeguard jobs at both Grangemouth and Tata Steel.

He noted that while his government is in its early days, significant efforts are already underway to address these critical employment issues.

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