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Stark to helm UK’s 2030 clean power Mission Control

Chris Stark has been appointed by Secretary of State Ed Miliband to lead a new initiative, Mission Control, aimed at achieving clean power for the UK by 2030

Energy Secretary Ed Miliband has announced the appointment of Chris Stark to lead a new initiative, Mission Control, which aims to deliver clean power to the UK by 2030.

Chris Stark, former chief executive of the Climate Change Committee and former Director of Energy and Climate Change in the Scottish Government, will head Mission Control.

This new control centre is intended to accelerate the transition from fossil fuels to clean, homegrown power, aiming to enhance the UK’s energy independence and reduce energy bills.

Mission Control will operate as a central hub, assembling a team of industry experts and officials to streamline energy projects.

The initiative will collaborate with key energy companies and organisations, including Ofgem, the National Grid, and the Electricity System Operator, to address and resolve obstacles, speeding up the connection of new power infrastructure to the grid.

The Secretary of State has also requested the Electricity System Operator to provide independent advice on the pathway to achieving the 2030 clean power goal.

This advice will include analysis of the necessary investments and infrastructure to support this transition.

The creation of Mission Control is part of a broader strategy that includes the establishment of Great British Energy, a new publicly owned company focused on delivering energy infrastructure and services to the British public.

Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary Ed Miliband said: “Years of underinvestment has left our country suffering energy insecurity, with working people paying the price through their energy bills and a cost-of-living crisis.      

“That cannot happen again. This new Mission Control centre, benefitting from the expertise and experience of Chris Stark’s leadership – and bringing together the brightest and best in the national interest – will have a laser-like focus on delivering our mission of clean power by 2030.”

Chris Stark, head of the new Mission Control for clean power 2030, said:  “By taking action now, we can put the UK at the forefront of the global race to net zero – driving down our carbon emissions but also cutting bills for households.”

John Pettigrew, Chief Executive Officer of National Grid said: “Accelerating the decarbonisation of the UK’s energy system is critical to bring bills down in the long term, create new jobs and unlock economic growth across the country.

“Innovation, collaboration and urgency are key to achieving this, and we’re looking forward to working closely with government, Ofgem and industry stakeholders as part of the government’s Mission Control.”

Responding to the government’s announcement, Lawrence Slade, Chief Executive of Energy Networks Association which represents the UK’s electricity network operators said: “Delivering the clean power mission requires a staggering amount of coordination.

“Chris’s expertise will be invaluable in this role and we look forward to working with him and the government over the coming weeks and months.”

Stew Horne, Head of Policy at Energy Saving Trust said: “The formation of Mission Control is a welcome step from the new UK Government. Its ambitious leadership and goals to deliver a clean energy system will help lower people’s energy bills and accelerate the UK’s progress to net zero.

“As well as scaling up large-scale renewable energy generation, focus should be put on lowering energy demand which would reduce the need for new infrastructure. With this in mind, we urge Mission Control to consider the vital role that people and communities have in expanding small-scale renewable energy generation and reducing energy use.”

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