Energy MarketsFinance

The future of REGOs

The surge in market value of Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGOs) – has slowed and even partially receded

However, REGO prices are still significantly higher than they were several years ago. A shortage of supply following Brexit and the ensuing UK ineligibility of the equivalent European certificates, Guarantees of Origin (GoOs), has sustained the value.

If REGO prices stay at this elevated level, there’s a question as to how willing electricity customers will be to incur the associated cost. After all, until relatively recently, REGOs cost as little as 20p. It seems possible that some customers may choose to explore other, perhaps more affordable, activities as a means of addressing climate agendas.

Important factors include hourly matching, increased transparency, large-scale renewables connection and more.

Find out what this could mean for your organisation.

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