Built EnvironmentVideos & Podcasts

Net Hero Podcast – Construction with less Carbon?

Is it possible to cut the emissions from the homes and workplaces we have? Volvo thinks so...

Are you sitting comfortably? If you are in your home or workplace, a station or airport as you read this, you’re in something someone built.

Globally the construction industry, the built environment if you like, is responsible for 1% of global emissions, that sounds small but it’s actually huge. That’s just what it takes to build something, let’s not forget all the embodied carbon it takes to make a concrete slab, a steel bar or clay brick.

So how can we cut down that footprint?

In this episode I chat to Mats Skoldberg, Head of Technology from Volvo Construction Equipment, they make a huge chunk of all the diggers and excavators, lorries and dump trucks used around the world.

Mats and his team have been exploring how to cut the emissions from these vehicles and also how to ensure building sites are cleaner. Listen to our chat and he will explain how ‘green building’, could be within reach by the end of this decade.

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