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UK boiler ads face the heat

Worcester Bosch will update its marketing practices after an investigation into potentially misleading claims about its boilers

Worcester Bosch will change its marketing after the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) looked into the brand’s boiler claims.

The CMA found that Worcester Bosch’s ads suggested its boilers were special because they could use a hydrogen blend, but many other boilers have this feature too.

The CMA was worried that these claims might mislead customers into thinking their choice was more eco-friendly and future-proof.

Worcester Bosch has agreed to fix or remove misleading ads and will tell its installers and retailers to do the same.

The CMA will check that these changes are made.

Hayley Fletcher, Interim Senior Director, Consumer Protection at the CMA, said: “Around 1.6 million people buy a new boiler in the UK each year – a big decision that can cost thousands of pounds.

“With people increasingly concerned about their impact on the environment and the cost of bills, it is vital that consumers can make well-informed decisions.

“Our action – including the changes secured from Worcester Bosch – will help to ensure that consumers looking for a new heating system are provided with clear and accurate information.”

A Worcester Bosch spokesperson told Energy Live News: “The CMA has concluded its investigation into marketing practices with regards to ‘hydrogen blend ready boilers’ with our full cooperation.

“We have agreed ‘undertakings‘ with the CMA in relation to our marketing practices of those products.”

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