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One in four may turn off the heat as energy bills rise

Citizens Advice has warned that nearly a quarter of people might turn off their heating this winter because of higher energy bills, with families and those on low incomes most affected

Citizens Advice has warned that one in four people in Great Britain might have to turn off their heating and hot water this winter due to rising energy bills.

The charity’s report shows that 25% of people, or around 16.5 million, could take this step if the energy price cap goes up by £150.

Families with children and people on lower incomes are likely to be hit hardest, with 31% of households with children and 39% of low income households considering turning off their heating.

Citizens Advice is calling for quick government action to help people avoid having to choose between heating and other essentials.

It is estimated that nearly five million people are already in debt to their energy suppliers, and the situation could worsen if bills continue to rise.

The charity suggests that changes to the Warm Home Discount could help those in need, such as low income families, disabled people and pensioners.

Dame Clare Moriarty, Chief Executive of Citizens Advice, said: “The price cap increase will see a wave of households tipped into debt, billpayers forced to make impossible decisions to make ends meet and families worried about the impact the cold will have on their loved-ones.

Energy prices might be down from the peak of the crisis, but with many already in the red and the removal of previous support packages, there’s still no light at the end of the tunnel for those in desperate need.

“The government has inherited a huge challenge, so there must be no delay in their action. We need to see targeted bill support that reflects the realities of people’s energy needs.”

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