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Price cap rise: Energy Secretary blames past policies

The rise in the energy price cap is due to previous energy policies and international gas market pressures, according to the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero

The Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero has expressed concern over the coming rise in the energy price cap, stating it will be worrying for many families.

Ed Miliband attributed the increase to the previous government’s energy policies, which he claims have left the country vulnerable to international gas markets.

Mr Miliband said: “This will be deeply worrying news for many families. The rise in the price cap is a direct result of the failed energy policy we inherited, which has left our country at the mercy of international gas markets controlled by dictators.

“The only solution to get bills down and greater energy independence is the government’s mission for clean, homegrown power.

“That’s why we have hit the ground running, lifting the onshore wind ban, consenting unprecedented amounts of solar power and setting the largest ever budget for our renewables auction.

“We will also do everything in our power to protect billpayers, including by reforming the regulator to make it a strong consumer champion, working to make standing charges fairer, and a proper Warm Homes Plan to save families money.”

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