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Energy bill shock: Voters turn up the heat on government

A recent poll shows that most people in Britain think the government is not doing enough to help with rising energy bills

A new poll suggests that a majority of people in Great Britain believe the government is not providing sufficient support to help with rising energy bills.

The survey, conducted online by BMG Research on 29th August for i, polled 1,560 adults.

The poll comes after Ofgem, the energy regulator, announced a 9% increase in the energy price cap, set to take effect in October.

According to the survey, 68% of those polled think the government is doing too little to assist with energy costs.

In contrast, 16% feel the level of support is appropriate, while 6% believe the government is doing too much.

The survey also follows the debate over the recent decision by Rachel Reeves, the Chancellor, to end the universal winter fuel allowance for pensioners.

This policy was not included in the party’s election manifesto but was introduced to address a £22 billion shortfall in public finances.

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