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Energy industry welcomes record breaking auction results

Industry leaders have welcomed the success of the latest renewable energy auction, while campaigners call for a larger focus on offshore wind and faster grid improvements

The government has announced a record number of new renewable energy projects from its latest auction.

A total of 131 projects, including onshore wind, solar and tidal energy, have been approved.

Energy UK has welcomed the results of the sixth allocation round (AR6) of the Contracts for Difference auction, calling it a key step towards achieving clean energy goals by 2030.

Emma Pinchbeck, Chief Executive of Energy UK, stated that the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the Contracts for Difference programme.

Emma Pinchbeck said: “As we recover from an energy crisis caused by our exposure to international fossil fuel prices, it’s more important than ever that we build a clean energy system that can ensure our energy security and protect homes and businesses across the country from unaffordable energy bills.

“This is by far the cheapest way to power the UK.”

RenewableUK Chief Executive Dan McGrail said: “The success of today’s auction sends a clear signal that the UK is back in the global race for clean energy investment.

“This wide range of projects, across technologies, are vital steps in building a clean, affordable energy system and reducing our dependence on expensive fossil fuels.

“After the failure of last year’s offshore wind auction, it was essential that this auction succeeded and the fact that nine major offshore wind projects have secured contracts will increase investor confidence.

“There is intense global competition in offshore wind and the next auctions will be crucial for the UK.”

ScottishPower CEO Keith Anderson also praised the outcome, noting that the successful auction will help the UK move away from fossil fuels by investing in clean energy.

Keith Anderson commented: “Now the government and GB Energy should focus efforts on supporting new green technologies to unleash their potential, replicate offshore wind’s success and deliver on their ambition of making Britain a clean energy global superpower.”

Greenpeace UK’s political campaigner, Ami McCarthy, acknowledged the auction’s positive impact but urged the government to increase the annual target for offshore wind.

Ami McCarthy said: “The government clearly needs to take a hard look at how this system is working. 5GW of offshore wind is of course welcome, but it is only about half of what is required each year to meet the government’s 2030 target.

“The last renewables contract auction was a catastrophic failure and the biggest disaster for clean energy in almost a decade. Because of this, the new government has an uphill battle.

“The more energy we get from renewables, the more independent we can become from volatile, expensive, polluting fossil fuels that have caused billpayers so much recent anguish.”

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