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Minister calls for fairer standing charges on energy bills

A Scottish minister has urged the UK Government to introduce a social tariff for energy and reform standing charges to help struggling consumers

A Scottish Government minister has called on the UK Government to provide more support for people struggling with rising energy bills.

Minister for Climate Action, Dr Alasdair Allan, has urged the introduction of a social tariff, which would offer cheaper energy prices to those most in need and has called for changes to standing charges on home energy bills.

Dr Allan will chair a meeting with energy suppliers and consumer groups today to discuss measures that could be taken to support consumers facing high energy costs.

He emphasised that reforming standing charges is particularly important for rural and island communities, where these costs are higher than average.

Dr Alasdair Allan said: “The Scottish Government repeatedly called on the previous UK Government to deliver a social tariff mechanism for those who need it the most, including those in extreme fuel poverty.

“It is clear from recent engagement that there continues to be widespread support across the energy and consumer sectors for the introduction of such a mechanism, and I am looking forward to discussing next steps at the roundtable in September.

“I remain of the view that standing charges must be reformed to ensure a fairer and more equitable system where those generating renewable energy – particularly rural and island communities – are not faced with higher-than-average charges.”

A government spokesperson told Energy Live News: “This government isn’t running away from the tough decisions needed to fix this country.

“But we will support around three million households with their energy bills this winter through the £150 Warm Home Discount, and over a million pensioners will continue to receive the Winter Fuel Payment.

“The only solution to get bills down and greater energy independence is the government’s mission for clean, homegrown power and by achieving our 2030 goal, we will protect billpayers permanently.”

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