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MSP criticises ‘inadequate’ consultation on ‘super pylon’ project

A petition for better public consultations on the North East’s new "super-pylon" project has advanced in the Scottish Parliament

A petition for better public consultations on a North East Scotland energy project has moved forward at Holyrood.

Supported by over 3,300 people, the petition was reviewed by a Scottish Parliament committee on Wednesday.

SSEN Transmission plans to build a 400kV power line, or “super-pylon,” stretching 70 miles from Kintore to Tealing.

While this project aims to help meet the Scottish Government’s net zero goal by 2030, campaigners and some MSPs have criticised the consultation process.

North East MSP Tess White criticised the current consultation process, describing it as “hopelessly inadequate”.

She argued that residents along the proposed route feel excluded from the decision-making process.

SNP MSP Fergus Ewing agreed with this assessment, noting that the seven-day notice period for consultations required by Scottish planning law is insufficient.

SSEN Transmission defended its consultation efforts, stating they have engaged with nearly 300,000 people through over 220 events and public meetings, receiving more than 12,000 written responses.

The company said the feedback led to significant changes in the project’s proposals, including alternative routes and a relocation of a proposed substation.

An SSEN Transmission spokesperson told Energy Live News: “We have undertaken extensive consultation with communities in relation to our Kintore to Tealing 400kv project, as part of a wider consultation on our plans to upgrade the transmission network in support of national net zero and energy security targets.   

“Over the last 12 months we have invited nearly 300,000 people to our consultation events across the north of Scotland, holding over 220 events and public meetings which were attended by over 10,000 people.

“As part of this, we have received and analysed over 12,000 written responses in what we believe is one of the biggest listening exercises in Scotland’s history. 

“The Kintore to Tealing consultation has resulted in significant changes to our proposals, including alternative overhead line routes and the relocation of the previously proposed new substation at Fiddes to a new proposed site in Fetteresso Forest.

“This demonstrates the effectiveness of our consultation process, where we have communicated with the public at an early stage to maximise participation.  

“Following consultation that took place earlier this year, we are now actively considering overhead line alignments proposed by community representatives and landowners around Careston, Drumoak and Echt – further demonstrating our willingness to balance community feedback alongside technical and environmental constraints.    

“Our fourth series of public consultation events in relation to the project will begin on 23 September, which will seek further views on potential alignments.

“We look forward to providing the public with another opportunity to have their say.”

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