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‘Warm home prescription could save thousands this winter’

A call is being made for a national rollout of the warm home prescription to prevent cold-related deaths and reduce NHS strain by improving home energy efficiency for the most vulnerable

Preventing winter deaths and easing the NHS’s burden could be achieved through the warm home prescription (WHP).

The WHP has been providing energy credits and home improvements since 2020.

Recent trials revealed that 95% of participants maintained home temperatures above 16°C, reducing hospital admissions and delivering £5.10 in social value for every £1 spent.

The Energy Systems Catapult now urges a national trial of WHP.

Experts note that a national rollout could prevent the deaths of 28,000 people annually.

They advocate for collaboration among government bodies, Ofgem, the NHS, and energy suppliers to use data to identify vulnerable households, streamline access to support, and enhance energy efficiency in homes.

Dr Rose Chard, Senior Advisor Fair Futures at Energy Systems Catapult, said: “With proven results, WHP should be properly funded; we cannot afford to revisit this issue year after year.

“It’s time to put this debate to bed and provide targeted support that works on a national scale.”

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