Industry NewsPolicyWater & Waste

New group out tackle Europe’s €35bn food waste issue

WRAP EU will drive circular living across the European Union

Europe’s €35 billion food waste problem may have an answer with the creation of WRAP EU.

Environmental NGO WRAP has partnered with the International Food Waste Coalition (IFWC) to launch WRAP EU, aimed at transforming global food systems and tackling unsustainable production in fashion and plastics.

Initially focused on reducing food waste in the hospitality and food service sectors, WRAP EU will later address sustainable fashion and plastic pollution.

WRAP has established WRAP EU, its third international base after launching operations in Australia and the Americas.

Formed with the International Food Waste Coalition, WRAP EU will build on recent success, which includes a 25% reduction in food waste across 5,000 sites.

The IFWC represents 60% of the EU contract catering market and 15% of hotels. With a target to halve food waste by 2030.

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